Friday, September 30, 2011

An Awesome Print to Share

The print in this link has been circulating around Facebook and Reddit. Just had to take a moment to share. The brave teddy bear is keeping his human child safe from monsters! To buy an 8x10 is only $3.99! So tempting! Here's the link!
That's it for today! I've been coming up with some ideas and stories to share, so stay tuned!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I've Never Blogged Before So...

Well, this could be interesting. I keep seeing how everyone is blogging. Whether you sell stuff, write stuff, or just experience stuff, it seems important that you have a blog. I've held out for so long now, but I finally found something that I could write about. Many things, actually!

So, this, my very first post will be a vague overview of what you'll see from me. (No! No nudey pictures!)I shall write...I mean Blog about my wacky adventures at Walmart, my photography endeavors, things that bother me, things that inspire me, and crazy things that make life fun. Things like this:
So, are you ready for some fun? I can't hear you! Yeah, you're ready! Just remember...Everyday is insane!